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Welcome to the Transition Community Network (TCN)


The Transition Community Network site was created to provide a "one-stop shop" for resources related to transitioning youth with disabilities to adulthood in Oregon. 

 This site has links to resources for students, families, teachers, administrators, and supporting agencies to create opportunities for the students to achieve successful futures.  Some of those links include directories for local services, inclusion resources, IEP resources and resources from the Oregon Department of Education.

 The site also contains materials for districts to help complete the Post School Outcomes (PSO) Follow Up collection to learn how Oregon students are doing one year out of school.  This phone interview provides the school district with invaluable information to guide transition services and the preparation of students for successful education and employment outcomes in the adult world.

News and Announcements

District resources for the 2013-14 Exit and Follow up data collections are available in the Post-school Outcomes Materials section (click on the link to the left).

A new feature on TCN is the enhanced Add a Resource that can be used in several ways:

       By districts to share forms and resources they have developed for standardizing the process or sharing
        information about transition related topics such as diploma options.

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       By TCN users to suggest additional resources for the benefit of all using the site

       To let others know of upcoming events